
Antecedents and Consequences of Employee-Based Brand Equity: A Case of Tourism Businesses in Middle Highlands of Vietnam


Le Viet Anh, Vo Tan Phong
Lac Hong University, Postgraduate Faculty


The objective of this study is to determine the antecedents and the consequences of employee-based brand equity (EBBE), namely Organizational Culture (ORC) and Internal Organizational Branding (IOB), and the consequences of EBBE, namely the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees in tourism businesses in Middle Highlands of Vietnam (MHV). OCB, EBBE, IOB, and ORC are higher-order latent constructs. A survey is performed. The sample with 395 observations is collected by the non-probability method. The respondents are employees of tourism businesses in the MHV. PLS-SEM is utilized, and SmartPLS is used to process the data. Path modeling using the disjoint two-stage approach. Findings confirmed that ORC directly affects OCB and indirectly through EBBE; IOB has a positive direct effect on ORC and EBBE, and the mediating role of EBBE in the relationship between IOB and OCB, as well as between ORC and OCB. This research contributes to the existing literature by empirically investigating the antecedents and outcomes of EBBE. The study gives the tourism businesses in MHV implications for strengthening the EBBE and OCB of employees. The study has some limitations, namely, the technological tools and platforms used in tourism businesses that impact EBBE and modern digital marketing trends in internal branding efforts have yet to be considered.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Internal Organizational Branding, Organizational Culture, Brand Equity, Employee-Based Brand Equity, Tourism Business, Middle Highlands, Motivational Theories, Social Exchange Theory, Social Identity Theory, Social Learning Theory