Elena Kasimovskaya, Associate Prof., PhD and Maria Didenko, MA Student
This paper deals with the problem of measurement in the field of two well-known concepts – international competitiveness and sustainable development. The authors developed a methodology for composite index construction of Sustainable Competitiveness and created the world picture, showing potential for long-term development of different countries.
Correlation analysis conducted for 105 countries has revealed a link between the indicators of sustainable development and national competitiveness and the level of country’s development. Newly constructed index encompassed global competitiveness index adjusted for the value of environmental performance index. An industry value added criteria was used for countries’ aggregation. In addition to the new rankings of countries, the index is of particular interest when considering countries in terms of per capita income: the data revealed a polynomial dependence of the authors’ sustainable competitiveness index on GDP per capita, which allowed pointing out the most promising countries in the world.