Gargi Sandilya, Ph.D. and Shubham Gupta
This research was conducted to understand the mind set of employees in the pharmaceutical industry in India with special focus on M/s. Penam Laboratories Ltd. and M/s. Shree Nath Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. (SNLS). In addition, the study also aimed to uncover the reasons behind the high voluntary turnover rate in both companies. The key elements of employee engagement considered in this study are organizational structure, leadership style, evaluation and appraisals, internal communication, creativity stimulants and job satisfaction. After a review of existing literature in this area, the researchers arrived at a definition of employee engagement that has been followed throughout the study. The researchers then framed the research questions and hypotheses for the study. Primary data was collected through surveys using convenience sampling and secondary data was collected from the company websites and other sources listed in the references. The collected data was tabulated and analysed using SPSS. Statistical analyses included basic descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha for reliability measure and t-test for comparison of means of the two groups. The results of the study indicate that employees of Shree Nath Life Sciences are more engaged than those of Penam Laboratories.
Employee engagement, Employee turnover, Performance, Comparative study, Pharmaceutical industry, India